Subject Guides
Springshare have created a Best of LibGuides LibGuide to share ideas about “the best of what the LibGuides system has to offer”.
Gale notes on Twitter that “We analyzed search usage growth for 5k libraries; 20% of them use widgets. The libraries using widgets had 60% higher growth.” Widgets can be built from their website (among other tools for measuring and increasing usage).
Infolit by video
Using video to address an immediate research need is an answer to a faculty complaint with students not researching broadly enough. The librarian put together a video in 30 minutes, posted it on his blog, subject guide, and course management system, and watched the video stats climb as students watched it.
COPPUL’s Animated Tutorial Sharing Project collects video tutorials that can be shared among library systems to avoid reinventing the wheel – including project files so libraries can tweak it to fit their environment. The ones I’ve seen are licensed with a “share-alike” Creative Commons license (meaning you can use it and change it but you have to license your finished product with the same license). You can browse or search for databases eg JSTOR.
Miscellaneous Web 2.0
7 Things You Should Know About Backchannel Communication: Mostly backchannel communication happens at techier conferences but 7 Things points out that: “Backchannel communication is a secondary conversation that takes place at the same time as a conference session, lecture, or instructor-led learning activity. This might involve students using a chat tool or Twitter to discuss a lecture as it is happening, and these background conversations are increasingly being brought into the foreground of lecture interaction.”
10 Technology Ideas Your Library Can Implement Next Week “to start creating, collaborating, connecting, and communicating through cutting-edge tools and techniques”.
Measuring the impact of web 2.0 (via a colleague via the LIS-WEB2 mailing list):
- The Twitter Experience at Chelmsford
- Twittering at Sheffield library
- Birmingham libraries use of Web 2.0
- Case studies/guest blog posts on UKOLN’s Cultural heritage blog
- and the Libraries and Web 2.0 wiki