There were lots of fantastic posters, these are just the ones I wanted to refer back to as they sparked thoughts I want to followup on. In no particular order:
Governmental Educational Repository in Health – they have 7000+ open access learning objects. [We have 175. Which isn’t nothing. But actually what I’m still mostly interested in is whether anyone’s ever going to develop an aggregator for OA learning objects….]
Extending the value of the institutional repository with metrics integration – they’ve got individual researcher profiles showing metrics. [We’ve got some of this in Elements. To get the rest though would require coding, and dealing with authentication to keep it private to the researcher. I recently wrote an authentication module for a hand-coded php/sql app using EZproxy which I could adapt to something like this – or any other homegrown personalisation effort.]
COAR Resource Type Controlled Vocabulary: Dspace Prototype implementation – [I saw (and gave feedback on) a draft of this a while back; should have a look at the latest version (v1.1) and check how it maps (or doesn’t) to PBRF types]
The PLACE Toolkit: exposing geospatial ready digital collections – [what value would there be, in our own collections, of adding time/location metadata to content to enable eg map/timeline exploration? (and therefore would it outweigh the cost?)]
COR(E)CID: Analysing the use of unique author identifiers in repositories via CORE to support the uptake of ORCID iDs – this gives repositories a dashboard to check how many ORCIDs are in their repository. [I wasn’t clear though on whether it’s available for public use or requires a sign-up. Further investigation shows the CORE Repository Dashboard does require registration and is specifically for repositories submitting data to CORE, which makes sense.]
International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) – [this is beyond my expertise but I want to check it’s on the radar of our non-research-output repository vendor]
If you digitise them they will come: creating a discoverable and accessible thesis collection – U of Tasmania made their theses open access retrospectively if at least 10years old, with a disclaimer. [I’ve heard of a number of universities doing similarly; we’ve been more conservative, only making them available to staff and students unless we can secure permission. I’d like to push for the more open model.]
Strategies for increasing the amount of open access content in your repository – one tip they suggest is to set up a ScienceDirect email alert for ‘accepted manuscripts’ at your institution. When you get the email, download it immediately before it gets replaced by the ScienceDirect-branded ‘in press’ version. [This. Is. Genius.]
Enabling collaborative review with the DSpace configurable workflow – [I did some javascript hacking of the workflow, to sort the items by age and allow other sorting, but there’s very limited information still.] This poster shows improvements like displaying extra metadata fields (eg item type – author/publisher/year might be useful for us), adding statuses (eg questions for the researcher), and adding other notes. [This is Relevant To Our Interests.]