About Liaison Manager


LM-Multi.accdb.zip (33KB)

(Access 2007)

LM-Single.accdb.zip (45KB)

(Access 2007)

A template for an Access 2007 database for organising notes about your contacts and interactions with them. I designed it for my work as liaison librarian, so it's got a focus on courses, but you could probably repurpose the 'courses' to adapt it to other situations too.

I couldn't decide which is most useful, so there are two versions:


Thanks to @dakvid for all the SQL-wrangling; and to Margaret Paterson for all the beta-testing.

Usage notes

Enter data

There are four tables for entering data into. Note that when you enter the data, it may not propagate to other tables or queries until you've a) saved the table where it was entered, and/or b) closed/reopened the table or query where you want to see it.

Get information

There are also several queries giving slightly refined information (though only the first can't be fairly easily found from the 'Enter data' tables). Note that if you've run a query with one input (eg searching on one username), to run it again with a second username you need to close and reopen it.

More info


Licensed CC0
Creative Commons Zero

(Shorter CC0: I waive any and all copyright I may have in this template and the rights associated therewith - do anything you like with it.)



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