Usage notes
Enter data
There are four tables for entering data into. Note that when you enter the data, it may not propagate to other tables or queries until you've a) saved the table where it was entered, and/or b) closed/reopened the table or query where you want to see it.
- People - details about the people I liaise with;
- The username is the unique ID, used for linking with Interaction and Supervision tables, as well as queries.
- Clicking on the [+] opens any interactions associated with that person (and lets you add a new one).
- Departments and Positions can be added/edited by clicking the drop-down arrow then clicking the faint icon that appears above or below the menu.
- Courses can be added in the Courses table. In the "LM-Multi" version, mMultiple courses can be selected.
- Everything else is free text.
- Courses - notes of the courses I teach into;
- The course name is the unique ID, used for linking with the People and Interaction tables.
- Clicking on the [+] opens any interactions associated with that course (and lets you add a new one).
- Interaction - notes from each meeting/email/phone call;
- Username links into the People table; Re Course links into the Courses table. Neither is mandatory. In the "LM-Multi" version, either may have multiple values.
- Supervision - keeps track of research students' supervisors.
Get information
There are also several queries giving slightly refined information (though only the first can't be fairly easily found from the 'Enter data' tables). Note that if you've run a query with one input (eg searching on one username), to run it again with a second username you need to close and reopen it.
- Who haven't I talked to recently? Sorts your contacts by the most recent time you've interacted with each one -- that is, it shows the people you haven't spoken with for a long time at the top of the list.
- What have I talked about with this person? Asks for username; returns sorted list of notes about any interactions with that person.
- What's happened in this course? Asks for course code; returns sorted list of notes about any interactions about that course.
- Who supervises this person? Asks for username; returns the person's supervisor.
- Who does this person supervise? Asks for username; returns a list of the person's research students.